NFT Marketplace Development to Deliver an Ultimate Game Spectrum in Racing like Zed Run

What is there? “To” What is not there? Non Fungible tokens came a long way, Not just marketplaces. Now NFTs are everywhere. And making billions of dollars in just a quarter of a year. NFTs are unique and flexible, but they are indivisible and inseparable. They made serious market trade volumes in art, music, and making paths for the gaming industry. The gaming industry that has existed so far was completely centralized, and the assets inside the game can’t be utilized for any purpose outside the game. NFT even restructured the way traditional gaming works. Many NFT gaming Marketplaces like gods Unchained, Decentaland, and Zed Run came into existence. Our Blockchain App Factory has brought with our NFT marketplace like Zed Run to contribute to increasing the NFT gaming market

NFT Marketplace Development For Racing

NFT Marketplace Development for Racing - Reality in Virtual

Zed Run is NFT based horse racing game, which works similar to the real-time horse where you can bet on a horse and win the battle to avail yourself of the money. Similar to real life, In Zed Run, the users can breed the horse which is in the stable or in the marketplace. And after breeding, they can be brought into racing. Every horse here is a different NFT and unique, which means each has its own DNA.

In Zed Run, the user can also train their horse, tier up them, and they can finally sell their horse in the NFT marketplace. The price will be based on the tier and demand for the horse you possess. The Zed Run is a combination of NFT betting and gaming platform where it targets both the audience. Our Racing NFT marketplace like Zed Run offers not just horse racing, our build can be compatible with all types of racing in NFT space.

Zed Run like NFT marketplace - Components

Our Zed Run like NFT marketplace is completely built on blockchain technology, and the components of the Zed Run includes,


The Racing NFT marketplace, like Zed Run, has an excellent storefront built in the concern of making the NFT marketplace user-friendly for the user.


Breeding is the process of making a new horse with the existing horse in the marketplace or in the stable. The breeding process is a chargeable one.


The first race is the griffin race which groups the horses into different classes. Only grown and bred horses are allowed to take part in the griffin race.

Commercial trade

These horses can be brought into the external marketplace to make a trade, their demand increases based on their growth, and races won.

Learn to make

To breed a horse, the rarity, availability of the horses are needed to be known, and analyzing the genotype purity, and bloodline scarcity yield horse breed.

Zed Run like NFT marketplace - Classified horse breed

The Racing NFT marketplace like Zed Run is similar to real-life gaming. They have their own classification for the horse, and they are five types, Genesis, Exclusive ,Pacer, Cross, Legendary.This genesis is directly available in the NFT marketplace like Zed Run as the drop. There are 38,000 approx horses in the Zed Run like NFT marketplace, which is grouped between Z1 to Z10.

The availability of Genesis horses group-wise is

  • Z1 - 1000

  • Z2 - 1000

  • Z3 - 1000

  • Z4 - 1000

  • Z5 - 2000

  • Z6 - 3000

  • Z7 - 4000

  • Z8 - 6000

  • Z9 - 9000

  • Z10- 10,000

Griffin Race

After breeding the horse, the user can take part in the very first race of the where there are 12 slots available in which the first position will be awarded 4 points, the Second position will get 3 points, and the third position will get 2 points, and the fourth position will get 1 point. But the 9 to 12 th position will be depreciated in points.

Workflow of the Racing NFT marketplace like Zed Run

Our Zed Run like NFT marketplace’s workflow is completely explained below,

This is the common functionality of where a user interacts with Zed Run like NFT marketplace,

Step : 1 Initially, the user needs to create a stable.

Step : 2 User should start breeding the horse

Step : 3 User should start racing with grown-up horse

Step : 4 User should understand the progression and scarcity

Step : 5 User should Setup a stable based on the understanding

Step : 6 Next, the user can buy a racehorse from the marketplace

Step : 7 The bought horse will appear in the stable

Race participation

User needs to integrate his wallet in theNFT marketplace like Zed Run and can participate in the initial griffin race by paying in WETH from ETH. The Racehorse can also be bought via various Marketplaces and also availed from the Zed Run like NFT marketplace.

NFT Marketplace Like Zed Run

How can Blockchain App Factory deliver a high-standard Racing NFT marketplace like Zed Run?

Our Blockchain App Factory worked immensely on building a Zed Run-like NFT marketplace and integrating blockchain with blockchain experts and building a complete marketplace to provide a better user experience and a highly stable build.With our racing NFT marketplace you can launch all types of racing into the NFT racing platform. Which helps you to suffice the scarcity and grab attention in the NFT space. To provide you a seamless experience with our deployment, we offer better technology and customer support to the clients. If you are into owning an NFT marketplace, then just fill the form and stay calm. We will take care of the rest.


Building an NFT marketplace just similar to Zed Run including all of their functionality which can be modified or customized if needed or required.
Breeding is the process of making the virtual horse mating with another horse in the NFT marketplace or in the stable to create a new horse. This process is chargeable.
After the horse is bred and grown the horse can participate in the griffin race. There the horse will be awarded with points based on the position the horse attained.
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