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Web 3.0 Marketing: Where Ventures Find Their True Bases!
Marketing has been the heartbeat of the world since the first trades started in times unknown. While the methods used evolved, the need for marketing did not stop. For every product and service, it is absolutely normal to spend a…
Top 7 Metaverse Business Ideas That can Garner Global Attention in the Future!
Currently, the world has been rife with advancements that sounded impossible a decade or two ago. No one would have believed that the internet would evolve once again after getting signs of possible saturation. Now, Web3 has become possible, and…
Play-to-Earn Model Unveils the New-gen Norms for NFT Game Development!
Gaming for businesses has been a cash-yielding cow since it first hit the world in the good old seventies. Trillions of dollars have moved across the gaming domain for more than five decades, with most of it ultimately reaching the…